Chris Edge, Managing Director of EDGE IT Systems Limited said;
“EDGE is an IT service company and our mission is to develop user friendly and innovative software for Local Councils, cemeteries and crematoria. However, when we were approached in 1992 by Castle Bromwich Parish Council to assume responsibility for Scribe 75 for larger councils we did not know that would be the beginning of a 25 year journey and in 2007 that we would be operating a data centre to host our software.
In 2017, after 25 years of working on our own, we welcomed the opportunity to work with DCK, because we have recognised for some time that our larger councils and a number of our medium size councils would benefit from professional accountancy services.”
Derek Kemp, Managing Director of DCK Accounting Solutions said;
“We are always ready, willing and able to work with any specialist software suppliers to bring our expertise to bear in order to improve the accounting protocols within their software products.
We are delighted to have the opportunity to work with EDGE, who are currently benefiting from our 20+ years’ experience in dealing with Local Council accounting problems and issues to develop and improve their AdvantEDGE accounting software. We look forward to this continued association to our mutual benefit.”
The AdvantEDGE online software offers 8 modules which are available on a monthly, 1, 3 or 5 year contract. Prices are charged according to the size of the Council so that even the smallest Council can afford to use the software on a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone with an internet connection. Upgrades and data backups are included in the service.
23rd August 2017
Click Here for the Memorandum of Understanding
Click Here for the press release from DCK Accounting Solutions