How Cemetery Mapping Works

A cemetery grave map is very important. It allows visitors to accurately locate their beloved ones, it helps the local cemetery to organise the arrangement of additional graves, and it allows researchers to explore burial sites as well. Cemetery records allow us to record historical information and the details of a specific grave for future generations.

Now that we have entered the digital age, it is very important that we transfer existing records away from paper-based recording and to a more up-to-date digital system. Cemetery mapping along with modern cemetery management systems can create a digital database that properly records burial records and locations to make mapping cemeteries easier and more efficient.

In this article, we will explain how cemetery mapping works in the digital age, and how it can offer a better option than paper records.

Mapping Cemeteries

When cemetery mapping by hand, it is important to have a good understanding of the layout of the cemetery before starting. This can be done by looking at a map of the area or by visiting the cemetery in person. Once the layout is understood, it is then possible to start mapping out the individual graves. This can be done by marking each grave on a piece of paper or by using a GPS device to track the location of each grave.

Cemetery mapping can also be done using GPS technology. This can be done by either setting up a GPS device at the cemetery or by using a mobile phone that has GPS capabilities. Once the GPS device is set up, it is then possible to track the location of each grave. This information can then be used to create a map of the cemetery.

Cemetery mapping can be a useful tool for those who are looking to navigate a cemetery or document the layout of a cemetery. It can also be used to help with the planning of funeral arrangements.

With digital cemetery maps, you can have detailed information available without the risk of losing it. New burials can easily be added as well.

How To Map Unmarked Graves?

There are a few ways that you can go about mapping unmarked graves. One way is to look for old cemeteries that have not been maintained and see if you can find any graves that are not marked. Another way is to ask around your local community if anyone knows of any unmarked graves in the area. Finally, you can use online resources to try and locate any unmarked graves that might be in your area.

If you are looking for old cemeteries that have not been maintained, one place you can check is the local history society. They might have records of where old cemeteries were located. You can also check with the local authority in your area. They might have records of old cemeteries or graves that have been dug up during construction projects.

How Does Cemetery Software Work?

Cemetery software is designed to help cemetery managers and staff keep track of grave locations, interments, and other important data. This type of software typically includes mapping features that make it easy to see where graves are located, as well as tools for tracking funeral arrangements and managing customer information. Cemetery software can also help with billing and accounting tasks, and some programs offer features specifically for pre-need planning.