How Cemetery Mapping Works

A cemetery grave map is very important. It allows visitors to accurately locate their beloved ones, it helps the local cemetery to organise the arrangement of additional graves, and it allows researchers to explore burial sites as well. Cemetery records allow us to record historical information and the details of a specific grave for future […]

Cemetery Software In The Funeral Industry

Funeral home software and professional programs now offer funeral directors and cemetery and crematorium management, the tools needed to properly manage records. From general planning to cemetery and crematorium mapping, cemetery and crematorium management software lets you make funeral arrangements easily, accurately, and quickly. In this article, we are going to explain a little bit […]

Where Can I Find Burial Records

Burial records

A lot of people are interested in tracing their history, whilst we live in a hyper-connected society, it seems more than ever we are loosing touch with our heritage and history. As a result, people are trying to retrace their ancestral footsteps, which means they need to locate burial records to find out where people […]

What Is A Plot Management System?

Plot Management Software

Running a graveyard and managing the records of where people are buried, what land is available and general details can be tricky. New land developers need to know where to develop next and how to record where they have recently buried someone. Finding a solution to this issue is a lot easier with Epitaph – […]